Mission Accomplished ~ Mission Assured!
MTR is proud to share that we are MORTGAGE FREE IN 2023! With your generous support of the Assure Our Mission Campaign, we have made our final mortgage payment for the MTR farm! We now officially…
Own Our Future AND Own Our Farm!
This was no small task. It took 3 years, $750,000 and over a hundred donors to the Assure Our Mission Fund. Our goal was to accomplish this goal by the end of 2022, and with your support we met this goal!
Freeing us from our second largest monthly expense, our mortgage, results in assuring the financial future of MTR and allows us the opportunity to expand our programs and the number of participants that we serve by repurposing those funds as we look ahead.
We thank you all for your commitment and support to MTR. With you, we know our future is BRIGHT!